Saturday, February 4, 2017

I am a huge slacker....

         I originally started to write a few months back but the slacker in me always prevails.  I currently have a lot of saved blog posts half written.   I would start then get distracted by something in SL or RL is always calling me. Damn it...I am finishing one tonight.

    So what has been going with me?  First of all, thank you for people that have read my little blog and made a point to comment in private ims.  Thank you for the compliments. Yes, I should write more.  Maybe it should be a goal for 2017 ?  Slacker me..making goals for the new year in February.

     So what else exciting?  I still am having fun on SL when I can.  Real life has been busy.  I come on and every night I go to bed with a smile on my face.  If your SL isn't like that, why bother coming on?  I am still in  a wonderful, supportive relationship and have developed new friendships.  I no longer waste my time on people that aren't supportive in my life.  As I like to say, I want to be special to a few people than have tons of friends.
     True to my promise, I have never contacted "asswipe" again.  The first month or so it was hard because I had to get over the fact I felt stupid for believing things he said to me.  He moved on to his third alt.  (Still a cheap ass, won't spend money on a good skin or what not..yes I know who it is)  I like the fact Karma did play a number on him though.

Nothing is more fun than seeing his team lose to my winless team on Christmas Eve.  Thank you for not having me listen to another year of you ranting about the Chargers.

Should I say..........

      Though being a Browns fan, I understand the pain of losing a team.  Football just sucks when your team leaves but God, Karma just hit you hard and left you whimpering.  The people of San Diego did not deserve this but you, asswipe, totally did.

    I still think the best revenge is simply knowing I did move on and did it happily with a person who makes me smile every night.  He lets me just simply be me.  That even means if I feel the need to dress up as a rabbit and go dancing..we just do it.  That is the funny thing about Karma.  It's the rubber and glue theory we learned as kids.  You can treat a person badly and you will get some consequence from it eventually.  Though it is hard, I had to realize I may never see that consequence, but  I can affect my own karma.  I could have been evil and went after him but that action would have consequences on me. (He is rubber and I am glue..bounces off him and stick to me theory) Why fill my heart with such hate when I could feel happiness?  I suggest to choose happiness every time.  Be rubber and let their bad karma bounce off you and stick on them.