Sunday, September 2, 2018

What the hell is going on.....

So what has happened to Lola since the last time I wrote:
  1. Lola had a field trip to an AFK sim and got an IM from a guy to *cough..cough*.  I said not without a tip.  Lola earned 8 L for 20 minutes.
  2. Insane is still the best thing since sliced cheese, the really good kind, not the generic American cheese kind.
  3. Lola still hates mesh heads.
  4. Shopping events in SL suck.
Now onto more interesting things.......

So I admit I am a profile whore. Sometimes it just too hard to actually want to sit and have a conversation with someone.  I can sit on a sim and just read profiles of the people around me.  So why not feature the ones that made me think....

                                    " What the hell? "

I am here to enjoy MY SL, so if you try to ruin that for me then FUCK YOU! You will find yourself quickly removed from my list. Also, do what you want with my IM's... edit them, shove them up your ass, choke on them.. I really don't care. If I have anything that I need you to know about yourself, I will tell you personally and on voice so that you may recognize the tone of my voice. 

For those that like to say "loyal people use alts to fuck around" well fuck you up the nose! Not everyone is like you. If you think this is about you then maybe it is.. i'll keep ya guessing. Not everything you hear about me is true, there is always two sides to every story. Lastly, I have a very busy RL so when I do log here I am here for creativity or caual convo with friends, NOT for your fucking drama so keep that shit for ya mama! I don't have time to give two fucks about the dramatic events that happen in SL, especially if it does not concern me.. One more thing... stop coming at me on alts please. TY~cheerz!

      You know I have been on SL for 12 years now and I have never felt the need to write anything about drama on my profile.  Though I would pay to see someone "fucked up the nose".  (Copied and pasted from her profile...her grammar errors, not mine) 

Always practice safe nose sex

What I expect for Hookups:

Basic emoting skills
Full Mesh avatar: Head and Body
NO FLEXI HAIR, Except when used for highlights and used in moderation.

Waiting to be messaged by me? Just hasten the process and hit me up first.

  The rest of the profile educates all of SL what is emoting and the proper way to emote.  Why thank you almighty SL god of emoting. My question is if the emoting is amazing, would you even notice what the person looks like?  I had amazing "emoting sessions" with a guy for over a year that I never saw, we just imed each other.   So this is just basically saying, You need to be pretty and write well so I can jerk off watching your physics enhanced SL boobies bounce.   ( I didn't even need google translate for that)

  The innocent young girl excitedly threw her arms in the arm, singing
 "Saying "Ayo! Gotta let go!"
 The man let his eyes wander to her physics enhanced breasts and started to feel a swelling grow throughout his manhood.  In the same area, Lola watched the same breasts and thought. "Can't anyone figure out the whole boobie physics by now; she is going to develop two black eyes."   (Hands the guy lotion and a towel)

I prefer full mesh appearances
Not a snob. I have spent a lot of my own hard earned cash on this avatar, as well as creativity and time. Please respect this. If I say you're "not my type" It's more likely because -
1) Youre not fully mesh
b) You have created a badly put together mesh avatar
^) You're just NOT my type!   

Nope...Doesn't appear snobbish at all.....Oh, there is more to the hypocrisy... 

Online dating is NOT my thing

I got his, he's got mine, that's all you need to know.

I don't believe in the concept of online dating, give people advice about relationships then has a pick about her sweetheart.  You hold true to your beliefs.....

The act of friendship is different from the act of loving. In a relationship of friendship both parties care for each other and give and receive benefits from each other. This reciprocity may not exist in the act of loving, for we may love someone without our beloved giving anything in return or even knowing that he or she is being loved by us.

I believe this is also the definition of stalking...So with this person's theory, friendship is better than an intimate relationship, I think.  I always thought a friendship does have an element of love. 

   Well as one friend said to me..."Oh God, you aren't going to put this on your blog, are you?"  Well, you never know.  Hopefully, see you in SL except for the people above and ok, the general population of posters on the SLSecrets blog. 

"SL ...the only place you can see a man's cock update on your floor and not give it a second thought"

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Lets Talk about Sex..

     Yes, I know...It has been awhile.  I have had people that have read my blog and have said the same thing.  *hangs my head in shame*  I just have to say one thing... I even slacked writing updates on facebook also.  

     So any Earth-shattering updates in my life?  I survived the "great vendor switch" a few months ago.  Just in case you did not realize it, most of the clothing stores use a particular vending system.  They decided to stop, sending all the clothing stores scurrying to find a new system.  It was like the scare of 1999 when everything was going to fail because it was becoming 2000,  You WILL not be able to get redeliveries anymore *OH NO* or *gasp* store credits will be lost.  I survived and assuming you did too.

    So today I decided to explore the idea of sex in SL.  *perks up* I am not going to debate the whole issue whether or not it is really sex.  That is another issue that is probably overly discussed in SL society.  I want to tackle the topic...

   What the hell are AFK sex sims?  

  I stumbled across one a few months ago *Translation: Insane took me to one for a laugh*  ( I believe in incriminating all parties involved in my mayhem and destruction plots in SL)   What a totally ridiculous yet totally fascinating concept.  If you do not know of these, it's a sim where mostly women (said loosely, we know half are usually men) leave and say do RL things like laundry or take a shower. They leave parked on an adult sex thing (bed, car or whatever fantasy thing) and let whatever use them for sex in hopes of leaving a tip.  Now there is a trend coming, I have seen men doing this and one for gay men only.  Someone help me with this...What is the appeal?  I can get the argument that its a visual porn but with no sound.  What is appealing about that?  So you just jump on a bed and play with pose balls?  There must be some appeal:  I did a search recently and this popped up:

  There are at least 8 AFK sims on the first page of search for the term sex.  (Also a very interesting Dog Sex Cub, Hose and BDSM club... a field trip in the works)  I have fun when I go to visit.  Sometimes I play "whose his type" or some ladies have a hud that changes breast sizes.  Sometimes I change their poses, helping them seem more attractive.  I am all for helping my fellow SL woman.  

   SO I bring up another thought to ponder... I was reading my usual Sunday guilty pleasure (  It is basically a burn book (Mean Girls) about people in SL. ( I like to think of it as SL's version of Jerry Springer)  So one person was saying how a man in an SL relationship was cheating on AFK sex sims.  So it made me think... How the hell is this cheating?  (not even going into the concept of SL relationships)  Wouldn't an AFK sex partner be the RL equivalent of a blow-up sex doll you buy from Adam and Eve?  *Really ponders that one* 

RL Blow up doll ($99 on Amazon) 
  AFK Doll on an unnamed sim.  (If you really want to indulge, I'll tell you and then laugh at you behind your back) 

They both pose well and I guess the best aspect is that they keep their mouths shut and don't expect pillow talk afterwards?  Would you call it cheating?   I guess if you believe the RL one is cheating, you would think the SL one would be also.  

          See you all soon...probably on an AFK sex sim