As I was approaching my fifth rezz day, I wrote in my profile the things I learned about SL. That profile soon became very popular and the subject of many ims and interesting pick up lines. I kept it up for almost a year (very unusual for me, I change my profile monthly). I soon copied it to a notecard and left it in my inventory. SL being was eaten. (Yes, it happens) So as I approach my seventh rezz day, I resurrect the LIST (with some new things I learned)..........
Things I Learned on SL
- The older you are in real life, the less clothing you wear in SL. Test this theory, I dare you or just go to a SL country music bar/club.
- Always make one gay male friend. They are always honest about your appearance. SO if they say you are hot, they aren't trying to get down your pants.
- Gay males and my friend, Duncan know all the great places to shop in SL. (I think Duncan would love me to EMPHASIZE he isn't gay) Gay men always have the best dance clubs, but not Duncan, again, because he is STRAIGHT.
- Orgy rooms are the best places for interesting conversations. So if you see a clothed blond in an orgy room, its probably me.
- Some people will sell their soul for Lindens. Reality sets in when its converted into real life money.
- Many people like to express their true feelings to their "one and only" by putting in their profiles youtube links. You want to screw with the song, Love Stinks, and see if anyone notices.
- Female avatars with ill proportions are real life men giving their image of the ideal woman.
- The biggest pyramid scheme in SL is Bloodlines/Vampires. I occasionally check the website to see who owns my soul. I think my soul has been passed around more than a cheap whore in an orgy room (BUT I am clothed, see #4).
- Never make a friend with someone named Angel. They never live up to that standard.
- French people and I do not get along...
- If someone writes "I don't do drama" in their profile, RUN.
- If your avatar has no butt or big boobs, mesh clothing will not work for you.
- Lola Tangos are the women's equivalent to a man buying that little red sports car.
- People that use fancy but unreadable name tags don't make great conversationalists.
- The dress code on BDSM sims is black leather. You must also wear a tag that announces to everyone that you are a sub or master/mistress.
- People with unisex names and no picture like to change sex whenever the mood hits her/him. *cough Caine cough cough*
- Men on SL will spend more time finding the perfect "boy part" than anything else.
- Most men worry if the female avatar is really "female" and will require voice verification. BUT here is a thought..why would a guy pretend to female to have sex with a male? Couldn't that male just have sex with a female or be a male, have sex with a gay man. The people who should worry are lesbians. Wouldn't most men fantasize about lesbians? *shrugs*
- Most non native English speakers know the following English words: hi, how r u, fuck, cock and tits.
- Submissives that write in their profile " I am a submissive and therefore I am not stupid, or a doormat...blah blah" need a clue. Most of the time, people don't have that image of you because you are a submissive but other factors...
- I have become lazy with grammar and spelling :)
- Most non English avatars do not read profiles. My name is a mix of French and Spanish so both groups like to im me in their language. My profile is in English. I have learned when I say " Mi espanol es muy mal y comprendo un poco." ( My Spanish is very bad and comprehend very little) means yes, continue to talk to me in your fluent Spanish.
- Want to see something scary, type in youtube search SL wedding or birth videos.
- Men's clothing in SL really is bad. You have a choice of Gor leather Master or a tad feminine. Someone will make a mint if he/she would design clothes for the "normal" SL guy.
- Lola is not allowed to change her hair color.
- To look mean and tough in SL, you must threaten people's lives if you touch so and so or look at them the wrong way. You also must have a lot of tattoos. Both these things make me shake in my "virtual boots".
- Most popular places on SL have a sex theme to it.
- SL porn is boring.
- If someone is bothering you, there is a great thing called MUTE. If you aren't utilizing it, you are loving the attention and probably wrote " I don't do drama" in your profile.
- I know all the lyrics to every "Lola" themed song.
- Relationships after weddings only last one month.
- Many women believe that wearing high heels, garters or thigh high boots are sexy beach attire.
- I bet most supermodel pageant titles are made up. I mean they have to justify spending that much Lindens for the classes ( See #5)
- Your true personality does come out in your avatar. So if you are dramatic, mean, or whatever, your avatar will be like that. It will not matter how many alts you create, the result will be the same.