Wednesday, June 26, 2013

With yellow feathers in her hair and a dress cut down to there...

So her name was Lola.....

     I remember when I was a kid driving from Pennsylvania to Florida to visit Disneyland for the very first time.  Our car broke down in Georgia and while waiting for the car to get fixed, this was the song playing on the radio.  (In fact I think it was the number 1 song in the nation...oh that just aged me ) 
     So who is Lola?  Lola is my alter personality that lives in Second Life.   After six years of "wasting time" I have tried everything that world has to offer.  Now the next frontier...blogging.  I usually get comments about my profile and sometimes I get frustrated because I can't put more.  I am often told by a certain someone that I "think too much". 
    So what is Second Life.  I like to call it a "big social experiment" In SL (what WE in second life call it), you can be whatever you want to be.  Your imagination is your limit.  I have seen the best qualities in people and the worst.  Yet something always draws me back to SL. 
                                                                  More to come.......

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