Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The unromantic Lola ...

        My last post was actually written during the past month, but I never posted.  I really did not know what direction to go with it.   It made me sound slightly pessimistic,which I guess I am at times.  In fact, I know many people in the SL world with very successful online relationships. Even the unromantic Lola is currently in one.
        I know I can feel the "eyes rolls" as you read that last statement. Yes, even I have caught the SL "love bug".  No, we did not have a big fancy wedding with wedding videos.  (Ok, I found a Las Vegas wedding chapel for fun...We got married by Elvis)  We didn't have an elaborate collar ceremony with me kneeling at his feet as tears fell from my eyes.       
We just became "we".  (This is actually true..we debated on an anniversary date because we just happened)
       Am I an expert in relationships....not even close.  I just know what has worked for us. Quite honestly from a realistic stand point, we should not have worked as long as we did. We both live on separate coasts.  He is married to his rl job and as I remind him, I am merely his "mistress".  In the end, we just make it work.  So sometimes we argue (We don't talk about last year's Superbowl) and sometimes, one of us falls asleep but the most important thing, we try.  We both realize we have a RL and things that take priority, but nothing puts a smile on my face more than a little im from him at work.  I like reminding him that lunch at his desk is not always a healthy option in the long term.  I like to think we just take it one day at a time..1825 + days so far. 

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