Ok, before I get into what I really want to talk about, here is a list of other profiles things that annoy me
- The little puppy and the statement you are against animal cruelty. Thanks, I was about to beat my cat and I saw your puppy. It made me grow a conscience. So thank you..
- Any quote from Marilyn Monroe, Coco Chanel or Audrey Hepburn.
- I don't bite...maybe nibble.....
- The story that begins with " you see a 14-year-old carrying a newborn baby..she was raped"
- D/s and their olive tree story.....
- SL wish lists
My list can go on forever but it is going to take away from the importance of what I really wanted to say today...

I hate to brag but I am a research queen. I usually can find any information out on a person if I look well enough. ( Just ask asswipe :P ) I can not find anything on her, Her SL partner and I pieced together things we knew and still nothing. So there are a handful of people that care about her and do not know what happened to her. My heart feels like it already knows but my head is still hoping for the best.
This is my one plea to everyone. Share information with that one people above all that you truly trust. Maybe provide information so a person could look you up if needed. Maybe be a facebook friend with one person who knows the real you. Maybe provide contact information to that one person. You spent time with that person sharing thoughts and ideas, showing him/her the true you. Please do not leave people hanging in the dark, especially if you are really ill. not sure if they should move on.
* Just a side note* Wackdoodle is actually a word. I thought all this time I made a word up.