Monday, September 4, 2017

Realities of Life..

       I read tons of profiles in SL.  I can determine you are a wackdoodle just by reading your profile.  (I should really give lessons on this skill)  In about 25% of profiles, I will read how SL is SL and RL is RL and the two shall never mix.  (not as poetically as that BUT you get my drift) I am not talking about people who won't cam, voice, or give out RL pictures.  I am talking to you..the people that panic when you ask them where they live.  Honestly, I am not showing up on your doorstep, even if you lived in my city.
       Ok, before I get into what I really want to talk about, here is a list of other profiles things that annoy me

  1. The little puppy and the statement you are against animal cruelty.  Thanks, I was about to beat my cat and I saw your puppy.  It made me grow a conscience.  So thank you..
  2. Any quote from Marilyn Monroe, Coco Chanel or Audrey Hepburn.  
  3. I don't bite...maybe nibble.....   
  4.  The story that begins with " you see a 14-year-old carrying a newborn baby..she was raped"  
  5. D/s and their olive tree story.....
  6. SL wish lists
     My list can go on forever but it is going to take away from the importance of what I really wanted to say today...
         I have a friend that disappeared from SL 8 months ago.  My head wants to say..." She is on an alt, deciding to live another life" but my heart says otherwise. We have been friends for over 3 years, maybe even longer.   We had the best times on SL together.  Recapping our favorite shows or playing greedy late into the night.  She only let us into different aspects of her RL, never giving us a full picture of it.   She was suffering from diabetes and a heart-related illness.  I knew she was frequently in and out of hospitals.  I would email her after long times away and would normally get a response.  It was sometimes short but always wanted to know how I was doing.  (The woman is ill and still cared about my well being)  My last conversation with her, she was complaining how tired she was and was going to sleep.  She was in the hospital again and I wished her a happy new year.  A few weeks went by, I emailed her like I always did when she was away.  I never got a response.  Her SL partner did the same, he didn't either.  
        I hate to brag but I am a research queen.  I usually can find any information out on a person if I look well enough.  ( Just ask asswipe :P ) I can not find anything on her,  Her SL partner and I pieced together things we knew and still nothing.  So there are a handful of people that care about her and do not know what happened to her.  My heart feels like it already knows but my head is still hoping for the best.
      This is my one plea to everyone.  Share information with that one people above all that you truly trust.  Maybe provide information so a person could look you up if needed.  Maybe be a facebook friend with one person who knows the real you.  Maybe provide contact information to that one person.  You spent time with that person sharing thoughts and ideas, showing him/her the true you.  Please do not leave people hanging in the dark, especially if you are really ill. not sure if they should move on. 

* Just a side note*   Wackdoodle is actually a word.  I thought all this time I made a word up. 

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Judging books by their covers...

     A week or so ago, I went to a drag queen show in real life.  It was held in my local gay bar and I had a family friend performing.  I never grew up around a gay community but after high school, I had friends come out to me.  I was kinda touched by this because they trusted me with their secret.  They knew I would be accepting of them the way they were.
    My friends did move onto different parts of the country that were more accepting of who they were and I eventually lost track of them.  So it was nice to have a chance to be part of this community, even just one night.  Despite all the struggles they face as gay people, especially now, there is so much love.

     Which brings me to another situation I had in second life awhile ago.  A long time friend of mine told me that he was not the Caucasian as his character appears in SL.  I guess I was a little surprised by this because I had known this individual for many years.
    Which made me think, imagine having to use SL to "feel normal". He is normal, just slightly darker and of a different religion.  He told me some of the discrimination he encounters in RL.  He wanted to feel how it is not to to be held to a society image of him.  He wanted to feel how an European white male was treated. What do you say to respond to that?
    We all have heard stories about autistic people using this as a platform to practice communication skills.  Transgender people portraying their true selves on here.  He has been very understanding when I ask him questions and I always appreciate that about him.  Maybe SL should make a move that everyone should be green.  Imagine only judging by personalities only.....

(This post was actually written awhile lazy arse took too long to publish it )