Sunday, September 2, 2018

What the hell is going on.....

So what has happened to Lola since the last time I wrote:
  1. Lola had a field trip to an AFK sim and got an IM from a guy to *cough..cough*.  I said not without a tip.  Lola earned 8 L for 20 minutes.
  2. Insane is still the best thing since sliced cheese, the really good kind, not the generic American cheese kind.
  3. Lola still hates mesh heads.
  4. Shopping events in SL suck.
Now onto more interesting things.......

So I admit I am a profile whore. Sometimes it just too hard to actually want to sit and have a conversation with someone.  I can sit on a sim and just read profiles of the people around me.  So why not feature the ones that made me think....

                                    " What the hell? "

I am here to enjoy MY SL, so if you try to ruin that for me then FUCK YOU! You will find yourself quickly removed from my list. Also, do what you want with my IM's... edit them, shove them up your ass, choke on them.. I really don't care. If I have anything that I need you to know about yourself, I will tell you personally and on voice so that you may recognize the tone of my voice. 

For those that like to say "loyal people use alts to fuck around" well fuck you up the nose! Not everyone is like you. If you think this is about you then maybe it is.. i'll keep ya guessing. Not everything you hear about me is true, there is always two sides to every story. Lastly, I have a very busy RL so when I do log here I am here for creativity or caual convo with friends, NOT for your fucking drama so keep that shit for ya mama! I don't have time to give two fucks about the dramatic events that happen in SL, especially if it does not concern me.. One more thing... stop coming at me on alts please. TY~cheerz!

      You know I have been on SL for 12 years now and I have never felt the need to write anything about drama on my profile.  Though I would pay to see someone "fucked up the nose".  (Copied and pasted from her profile...her grammar errors, not mine) 

Always practice safe nose sex

What I expect for Hookups:

Basic emoting skills
Full Mesh avatar: Head and Body
NO FLEXI HAIR, Except when used for highlights and used in moderation.

Waiting to be messaged by me? Just hasten the process and hit me up first.

  The rest of the profile educates all of SL what is emoting and the proper way to emote.  Why thank you almighty SL god of emoting. My question is if the emoting is amazing, would you even notice what the person looks like?  I had amazing "emoting sessions" with a guy for over a year that I never saw, we just imed each other.   So this is just basically saying, You need to be pretty and write well so I can jerk off watching your physics enhanced SL boobies bounce.   ( I didn't even need google translate for that)

  The innocent young girl excitedly threw her arms in the arm, singing
 "Saying "Ayo! Gotta let go!"
 The man let his eyes wander to her physics enhanced breasts and started to feel a swelling grow throughout his manhood.  In the same area, Lola watched the same breasts and thought. "Can't anyone figure out the whole boobie physics by now; she is going to develop two black eyes."   (Hands the guy lotion and a towel)

I prefer full mesh appearances
Not a snob. I have spent a lot of my own hard earned cash on this avatar, as well as creativity and time. Please respect this. If I say you're "not my type" It's more likely because -
1) Youre not fully mesh
b) You have created a badly put together mesh avatar
^) You're just NOT my type!   

Nope...Doesn't appear snobbish at all.....Oh, there is more to the hypocrisy... 

Online dating is NOT my thing

I got his, he's got mine, that's all you need to know.

I don't believe in the concept of online dating, give people advice about relationships then has a pick about her sweetheart.  You hold true to your beliefs.....

The act of friendship is different from the act of loving. In a relationship of friendship both parties care for each other and give and receive benefits from each other. This reciprocity may not exist in the act of loving, for we may love someone without our beloved giving anything in return or even knowing that he or she is being loved by us.

I believe this is also the definition of stalking...So with this person's theory, friendship is better than an intimate relationship, I think.  I always thought a friendship does have an element of love. 

   Well as one friend said to me..."Oh God, you aren't going to put this on your blog, are you?"  Well, you never know.  Hopefully, see you in SL except for the people above and ok, the general population of posters on the SLSecrets blog. 

"SL ...the only place you can see a man's cock update on your floor and not give it a second thought"

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Lets Talk about Sex..

     Yes, I know...It has been awhile.  I have had people that have read my blog and have said the same thing.  *hangs my head in shame*  I just have to say one thing... I even slacked writing updates on facebook also.  

     So any Earth-shattering updates in my life?  I survived the "great vendor switch" a few months ago.  Just in case you did not realize it, most of the clothing stores use a particular vending system.  They decided to stop, sending all the clothing stores scurrying to find a new system.  It was like the scare of 1999 when everything was going to fail because it was becoming 2000,  You WILL not be able to get redeliveries anymore *OH NO* or *gasp* store credits will be lost.  I survived and assuming you did too.

    So today I decided to explore the idea of sex in SL.  *perks up* I am not going to debate the whole issue whether or not it is really sex.  That is another issue that is probably overly discussed in SL society.  I want to tackle the topic...

   What the hell are AFK sex sims?  

  I stumbled across one a few months ago *Translation: Insane took me to one for a laugh*  ( I believe in incriminating all parties involved in my mayhem and destruction plots in SL)   What a totally ridiculous yet totally fascinating concept.  If you do not know of these, it's a sim where mostly women (said loosely, we know half are usually men) leave and say do RL things like laundry or take a shower. They leave parked on an adult sex thing (bed, car or whatever fantasy thing) and let whatever use them for sex in hopes of leaving a tip.  Now there is a trend coming, I have seen men doing this and one for gay men only.  Someone help me with this...What is the appeal?  I can get the argument that its a visual porn but with no sound.  What is appealing about that?  So you just jump on a bed and play with pose balls?  There must be some appeal:  I did a search recently and this popped up:

  There are at least 8 AFK sims on the first page of search for the term sex.  (Also a very interesting Dog Sex Cub, Hose and BDSM club... a field trip in the works)  I have fun when I go to visit.  Sometimes I play "whose his type" or some ladies have a hud that changes breast sizes.  Sometimes I change their poses, helping them seem more attractive.  I am all for helping my fellow SL woman.  

   SO I bring up another thought to ponder... I was reading my usual Sunday guilty pleasure (  It is basically a burn book (Mean Girls) about people in SL. ( I like to think of it as SL's version of Jerry Springer)  So one person was saying how a man in an SL relationship was cheating on AFK sex sims.  So it made me think... How the hell is this cheating?  (not even going into the concept of SL relationships)  Wouldn't an AFK sex partner be the RL equivalent of a blow-up sex doll you buy from Adam and Eve?  *Really ponders that one* 

RL Blow up doll ($99 on Amazon) 
  AFK Doll on an unnamed sim.  (If you really want to indulge, I'll tell you and then laugh at you behind your back) 

They both pose well and I guess the best aspect is that they keep their mouths shut and don't expect pillow talk afterwards?  Would you call it cheating?   I guess if you believe the RL one is cheating, you would think the SL one would be also.  

          See you all soon...probably on an AFK sex sim 

Monday, September 4, 2017

Realities of Life..

       I read tons of profiles in SL.  I can determine you are a wackdoodle just by reading your profile.  (I should really give lessons on this skill)  In about 25% of profiles, I will read how SL is SL and RL is RL and the two shall never mix.  (not as poetically as that BUT you get my drift) I am not talking about people who won't cam, voice, or give out RL pictures.  I am talking to you..the people that panic when you ask them where they live.  Honestly, I am not showing up on your doorstep, even if you lived in my city.
       Ok, before I get into what I really want to talk about, here is a list of other profiles things that annoy me

  1. The little puppy and the statement you are against animal cruelty.  Thanks, I was about to beat my cat and I saw your puppy.  It made me grow a conscience.  So thank you..
  2. Any quote from Marilyn Monroe, Coco Chanel or Audrey Hepburn.  
  3. I don't bite...maybe nibble.....   
  4.  The story that begins with " you see a 14-year-old carrying a newborn baby..she was raped"  
  5. D/s and their olive tree story.....
  6. SL wish lists
     My list can go on forever but it is going to take away from the importance of what I really wanted to say today...
         I have a friend that disappeared from SL 8 months ago.  My head wants to say..." She is on an alt, deciding to live another life" but my heart says otherwise. We have been friends for over 3 years, maybe even longer.   We had the best times on SL together.  Recapping our favorite shows or playing greedy late into the night.  She only let us into different aspects of her RL, never giving us a full picture of it.   She was suffering from diabetes and a heart-related illness.  I knew she was frequently in and out of hospitals.  I would email her after long times away and would normally get a response.  It was sometimes short but always wanted to know how I was doing.  (The woman is ill and still cared about my well being)  My last conversation with her, she was complaining how tired she was and was going to sleep.  She was in the hospital again and I wished her a happy new year.  A few weeks went by, I emailed her like I always did when she was away.  I never got a response.  Her SL partner did the same, he didn't either.  
        I hate to brag but I am a research queen.  I usually can find any information out on a person if I look well enough.  ( Just ask asswipe :P ) I can not find anything on her,  Her SL partner and I pieced together things we knew and still nothing.  So there are a handful of people that care about her and do not know what happened to her.  My heart feels like it already knows but my head is still hoping for the best.
      This is my one plea to everyone.  Share information with that one people above all that you truly trust.  Maybe provide information so a person could look you up if needed.  Maybe be a facebook friend with one person who knows the real you.  Maybe provide contact information to that one person.  You spent time with that person sharing thoughts and ideas, showing him/her the true you.  Please do not leave people hanging in the dark, especially if you are really ill. not sure if they should move on. 

* Just a side note*   Wackdoodle is actually a word.  I thought all this time I made a word up. 

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Judging books by their covers...

     A week or so ago, I went to a drag queen show in real life.  It was held in my local gay bar and I had a family friend performing.  I never grew up around a gay community but after high school, I had friends come out to me.  I was kinda touched by this because they trusted me with their secret.  They knew I would be accepting of them the way they were.
    My friends did move onto different parts of the country that were more accepting of who they were and I eventually lost track of them.  So it was nice to have a chance to be part of this community, even just one night.  Despite all the struggles they face as gay people, especially now, there is so much love.

     Which brings me to another situation I had in second life awhile ago.  A long time friend of mine told me that he was not the Caucasian as his character appears in SL.  I guess I was a little surprised by this because I had known this individual for many years.
    Which made me think, imagine having to use SL to "feel normal". He is normal, just slightly darker and of a different religion.  He told me some of the discrimination he encounters in RL.  He wanted to feel how it is not to to be held to a society image of him.  He wanted to feel how an European white male was treated. What do you say to respond to that?
    We all have heard stories about autistic people using this as a platform to practice communication skills.  Transgender people portraying their true selves on here.  He has been very understanding when I ask him questions and I always appreciate that about him.  Maybe SL should make a move that everyone should be green.  Imagine only judging by personalities only.....

(This post was actually written awhile lazy arse took too long to publish it )

Saturday, February 4, 2017

I am a huge slacker....

         I originally started to write a few months back but the slacker in me always prevails.  I currently have a lot of saved blog posts half written.   I would start then get distracted by something in SL or RL is always calling me. Damn it...I am finishing one tonight.

    So what has been going with me?  First of all, thank you for people that have read my little blog and made a point to comment in private ims.  Thank you for the compliments. Yes, I should write more.  Maybe it should be a goal for 2017 ?  Slacker me..making goals for the new year in February.

     So what else exciting?  I still am having fun on SL when I can.  Real life has been busy.  I come on and every night I go to bed with a smile on my face.  If your SL isn't like that, why bother coming on?  I am still in  a wonderful, supportive relationship and have developed new friendships.  I no longer waste my time on people that aren't supportive in my life.  As I like to say, I want to be special to a few people than have tons of friends.
     True to my promise, I have never contacted "asswipe" again.  The first month or so it was hard because I had to get over the fact I felt stupid for believing things he said to me.  He moved on to his third alt.  (Still a cheap ass, won't spend money on a good skin or what not..yes I know who it is)  I like the fact Karma did play a number on him though.

Nothing is more fun than seeing his team lose to my winless team on Christmas Eve.  Thank you for not having me listen to another year of you ranting about the Chargers.

Should I say..........

      Though being a Browns fan, I understand the pain of losing a team.  Football just sucks when your team leaves but God, Karma just hit you hard and left you whimpering.  The people of San Diego did not deserve this but you, asswipe, totally did.

    I still think the best revenge is simply knowing I did move on and did it happily with a person who makes me smile every night.  He lets me just simply be me.  That even means if I feel the need to dress up as a rabbit and go dancing..we just do it.  That is the funny thing about Karma.  It's the rubber and glue theory we learned as kids.  You can treat a person badly and you will get some consequence from it eventually.  Though it is hard, I had to realize I may never see that consequence, but  I can affect my own karma.  I could have been evil and went after him but that action would have consequences on me. (He is rubber and I am glue..bounces off him and stick to me theory) Why fill my heart with such hate when I could feel happiness?  I suggest to choose happiness every time.  Be rubber and let their bad karma bounce off you and stick on them. 

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Since you've you been gone.....

  I feel like I can breathe again....Kelly, you are singing what is in my soul.  I am rediscovering how much fun I used to have in SL again.  Of course, I had to lick some wounds and now I have screwed up trust issues.  (Yes, I will admit that one but really what normal person doesn't on SL?) We did have a good laugh because the new girl looks exactly like me.  (Well, we knows he does have a type)

    I am having fun again.  The old Lola is back again.  She runs around naked...She shops for genitalia.. (don't ask) She learns to work an open collar...Men flirt with me and I do too.. I dance on poles...I pinch guys' asses...


                                The things you are suppose to do on SL
                                                            Yes, I said it.  

   SL should not be filled with restrictions;it should not be like real life.  What is the point of logging on just to live your RL in here?  I am not criticizing people who like to have a rl fantasy life in here. You want the kids and your prefect dog.  You do that and enjoy every minute of it.  Everyone should just live your SL to the fullest.  This also means helping people enjoy their SL lives too.  SL is filled with those twisted individuals that are not truly happy in life.  If these people try to take your joy of what this world has to offer, you need to get rid of them.  You should embrace those people  who accept you for your quirky humor and love of fuzzy rabbits.  They should love your ability to put any song lyric into a serious conversation.  "Lovely ... Never, never change ..Keep that breathless charm
Won't you please arrange it? 'Cause I love you...Just the way you look tonight...."
   I have one amazing person in my life now.  We have known each other for ALMOST 4 years.  (We both can't believe its gone so fast)  He has probably been one of the greatest support systems I have had on here in those years.  He has yet to try to change me because he may love my vast knowledge of musical lyrics in my head.  He even lets me pinch his ass.  



Thursday, June 9, 2016

I became a SL stereotype....

      So there has been a lot of changes in my SL life recently.  My breasts don't fit mesh tops anymore.  (designers..not everyone is jumping on the mesh body trend.  I would like to have breasts that don't choke me.)  I still dislike mesh hair but I did cave in and bought the mesh hands.

     The biggest change in my SL life is that my partner of 7.5 years decided to leave me.  (RL years not SL)  He went on a business trip and told me he would be back for me.  He landed, contacted me like he always did, then no word for two weeks.  Then he proceeds to come back and announce to me he was leaving SL for a RL relationship he was involved with.  I got hit with no warning.  We always talked about what would happen if something like this would be a possibility. I was angry with him because it was a sucker punch to the gut on my end.  I got "we can be friends" speech but when I questioned him about the whole situation, he twisted my words around.  He blamed me for not wanting to be friends since I was being so unreasonable.  He said good bye and said I am sorry and just left.  You would think after 7.5 years, I would get a little more.  *shakes my head*

     If I would believe his story the way he spun it, this guy worked almost every night until 8 pm and got on to SL to see me.  He was on a business trip for the past three weeks before he left SL.  How the hell did he date in RL?   Lets just say I never believed everything he said to me but he also told me so much truth too.  He was a confusing person to figure out.  He would tell me stories that wouldn't make sense to any time frame.  He claimed he was 5 years younger than me but the only picture I ever saw of him was one with a tux and a ruffled shirt under it.  (Lets  just say, I don't recall any of my proms with men with ruffled tux shirts).  He ever knew any of my high school references to things popular then.  I gave him the benefit of the doubt.  I thought maybe there was a reason he wasn't sharing his RL age with me.

      He talked about his childhood, his family and just little details about his life.  I knew his RL name, what he did for a living and even where he worked.  About three years ago, I was planning a vacation to his area and thought maybe meet up for lunch.  Just lunch and nothing else.  I mean I was talking to a guy for four years, I thought why not see.  So before I asked, I did the old SL standby...I googled him.  That is when I realized the whole truth about him.  Poor guy, since he talked so much about his RL with me, I was able to verify what I found was the truth.  I mean, he told me everything.  How do I know he wasn't lying to me about his life?  I realized all the pieces just fell into place.

       So why didn't I just end it.  I am not sure really how to answer that question.  After that, I always had doubts in my head about things he said to me.  I guess I will always that person that will always save that animal in the shelter, help the child look for his lost mother, or feed the wild cats in my neighborhood.  Everyone comes on SL with something broken in their life, even me.  I think I just thought he needed me for something.  He once told me that I am the only one that he felt cared about him.  I always saw that insecurity in him even though he tried to play that "dom" role on SL.

    So after I left one night, I just did a SL search on his name.  Well, something interesting came up.  He had a group hidden from me for three years.  It appears within a year of being with me, he already had an alt and playing games behind my back.  Really?  I always gave this man options on SL.  I even stated many times if you just want to play this as a game, I can adapt.  He told me at one point he had issues with his RL girlfriend (*cough..cough...WIFE), I would bow out quietly so he could fix issues with her.  If he wanted to play a poly relationship on SL, I was alright with that too.   Every time he would just argue with me about those things. The first year we argued and he decided to end it with me.  I moved on and he BEGGED me back.  Yet, this guy was running around in an alt, doing those things I said we could do openly.  He wanted to do this but I couldn't do the same.  I guess the best part was finding out he had a girl with his alt for three years.  Sadly she probably knew about me also.  I watch him come on early for her and he signs off at the time he would sign on to be with me.  So, he was burning both ends of the candle.  Sadly, the guy never learned the rules of Alts.  You should never use the same look (reused a freebie skin and shape..sadly my avi looked better than the one she got)  He was in the same exact groups as his main one.  The amazing part was she became his after I was questioning him about things.   I guess intelligence scared him.

        So I hope you ( Rhett Grantham or Jameselan Alsop) feel victory in this game.  You convinced me you actually cared about me, you got to treat me like garbage, and have another woman on the side.  I bet you already convinced her (if she didn't know about me) what a crazy woman I am.  In the end, you have lost and don't even realize it.  I know the real person behind that computer screen and he is an ugly person.  He is one that manipulates, lies ,and cheats because he doesn't have the ability to get anything good in his life  unless he does those things.  Your insecurity shines through even when you tried to play that "dom" role.  I don't hate you because that would mean that I still care.  You do not have to worry about that anymore.  Since you left, all my friends stepped up to be with me.  I even had friends I haven't talked to in ages contact me because they were thinking about me.  They were all welcomed back with open arms and we talked like we never missed any years.  Sadly, you will never be welcomed back.  You lost a person that truly cared about you and your happiness.  Now, honestly, (Insane will hit me for this) I hope you rot in the hell you created for yourself.