When I started this blog I kept thinking, "I am going to write, don't be a slacker". Ok, I am starting to slack so time to write. So I've been spending a lot of time on a beach that is themed with dirty old men trying to get with young girls. Young girls looking for that daddy figure. I was exploring one day and found it. Granted I am not looking for a daddy, but I thought I look around. Its a nice beach so I often sit there and im friends from a lounger near the water. Sometimes if I am lucky, I get to see a pair of grey lolas walking by. ( Just like the "boys' part" they are always the last thing to rezz for me. ) The first few times I would sit there and no one would talk to me. Which is fine with me...I tend to profile read then. Well, lately I have been getting those ims. Yes, I know the theme to the place so I should expect that. BUT I challenge anyone to find a populated sim that isn't sex themed. I know I have tried. Gentlemen, I would like to give you a word of advice. When a woman says she isn't interested, she isn't. I will engage in a wonderful conversation with you, actually about anything you like. You can offer me friendship and if I enjoyed your conversation, we can be friends. I was honest with you in the beginning and you still continued to talk to me. So I assumed you understand. I am not the person you im until you find a girl to "entertain" then just stop talking to me suddenly. I am actually pretty ok with a guy finding "entertainment" and saying "catch you later. see you later, etc." I am on a beach with a certain theme, I am assuming you aren't here to talk sports. BUT what drives me crazy is the "gentlemen" that ask for friendship, im me (note: im me not I iming you) then just stop talking suddenly as I see you go dance with another girl or on some pose ball of your choice. Then get pissed at me when I say, "well I guess I will talk to you later then" One guy I even asked for him to turn off his "look at" sites because I really don't want to be reminded how I am boring him with our conversation after he stopped talking. (He imed me and I even commented I was going to say hi but I saw he was "entertaining".) His comeback:
"Solid...buy a clue"
If anyone can explain this comment..please do. None of my friends understood either. I guess its the only thing he could think of while typing with one hand. The blood didn't rush back to his actual brain yet. Gee...he even defriended me. Its ok, your avatar looks better as a ghost now.
I talked to a long term friend of mine and we were talking about how people on SL have lost the concept of just sitting with someone that is from somewhere else and just talking about things. That is what makes SL so unique...conversations. Lately, what I have found its a way for people not having to pay for cam sex on porn sites. For me, it is nice to get life's little perspectives from someone that isn't from my area. Someone I probably would never get a chance to meet in RL. SL just helps make the world a little smaller.
Just having another day on sl, I was just sitting at a beach. Since it was a quiet day, I was profile reading. I have to admit, yes, I am a profile whore. It is almost an obsession and one day, I will share how you spot a crazy person by reading his/her profile. All the sudden, this avatar appears and blocks my view. Sooo I present...YOU make the call: RL Male or just RL Female without a clue.
Ok, it is no secret that I really don't like Lolas or whatever fake brand of boobies of your choosing. I have seen very few that look nice on women. These were so big that I am sure she could of saved most of the people on the Titanic. "Man the Boobs.... Women and Children First" She also had my other annoyance..the shoes with feet (mesh/prim) not matching. She was wearing school girl knee highs and forgot to change her feet. What female does that?
So I had to do it...I read her profile looking for any clues about shemales. NONE. I do find out she is a stripper....WHAT? She keeps walking around the beach; I am guessing she was looking for attention. BAM I see those pink cross hairs right on her head. This guy. I assumes, starts to im her. So they sit next to guy and I just had to im that guy:
Lola Culdesac: ok I read your profile and I think you are a normal guy..so I have to ask you a question..lol Normal guy resident: ok ? Lola Culdesac: do you think that woman next to you is really a woman..lol Normal guy resident: please do Normal guy resident: that with those boobs ? ..lol Normal guy resident: looks crazy Normal guy resident: noo may say no Lola Culdesac: yes...(resident that needs to get his eyes checked) fell for Lola Culdesac: poor guy thinking with his wrong brain Normal guy resident: maybe no brain ..lol Normal guy resident: I did not even bother look at "her" Lola Culdesac: oh he has a brain..I saw it hanging there Normal guy resident: ha ha ..
Well then the happy couple departed that beach to "play chess".
So you make the call....RL Male Or Female without a clue?
*note: no avatars or lolas were harmed in writing this piece
Boredom sometimes gets the best of me at times so I try to explore new things on SL. My favorite thing to do is to put some random word into search and see what landmark appears. I have seen some of the craziest things people have done on SL. Here are the results from my last exploration:
I found a little store that featured unusual goth themed objects. If you join the group for a mere 15L, you get free gifts like the ones im wearing in this picture. (I am wearing all free gifts) What the hell, for 15L it entertained me for a little and actually the quality was not too bad. The store was tiny though, so not a lot of items to buy.
Yeah....hmm..its in that category " Why do people spend money to have this" Its a parcel devoted to sex with a circus theme. There are clowns, ringmasters, and hmm animals. Yep, I did say animals. There was a RLV trap type of maze located there and I have to personally say my favorite part was a "newbie" greeter that kept appearing to ask me if I "wanna fuck". So you can see how thrilled I was when I kinda got lost in the tiny maze and had some greeter keep popping up on me. I did find something I needed for my house. A home isn't a home without a set of penis chairs.