Sunday, July 7, 2013

YOU make the call...

   Just having another day on sl, I was just sitting at a beach.  Since it was a quiet day, I was profile reading.  I have to admit, yes, I am a profile whore.  It is almost an obsession and one day, I will share how you spot a crazy person by reading his/her profile.  All the sudden, this avatar appears and blocks my view.  Sooo I present...YOU make the call:  RL Male or just RL Female without a clue.


     Ok, it is no secret that I really don't like Lolas or whatever fake brand of boobies of your choosing.  I have seen very few that look nice on women. These were so big that I am sure she could of saved most of the people on the Titanic.   "Man the Boobs.... Women and Children First"  She also had my other annoyance..the shoes with feet (mesh/prim) not matching.  She was wearing school girl knee highs and forgot to change her feet.  What female does that?
    So I had to do it...I read her profile looking for any clues about shemales.  NONE. I do find out she is a stripper....WHAT?   She keeps walking around the beach; I am guessing she was looking for attention.  BAM   I see those pink cross hairs right on her head.  This guy. I assumes, starts to im her.  So they sit next to guy and I just had to im that guy:
Lola Culdesac: ok  I read your profile and I think you are a normal I have to ask you a
Normal guy resident: ok ?
Lola Culdesac: do you think that woman next to you is really a
Normal guy resident: please do
Normal guy resident: that with those boobs ?
Normal guy resident: looks crazy
Normal guy resident: noo  may say no
Lola Culdesac: yes...(resident that needs to get his eyes checked) fell for
Lola Culdesac: poor guy thinking with his wrong brain
Normal guy resident: maybe no brain
Normal guy resident: I did not even bother look at "her"
Lola Culdesac: oh he has a brain..I saw it hanging there
Normal guy resident: ha ha ..
Well then the happy couple departed that beach to "play chess". 
   So you make the call....RL Male Or Female without a clue?
                    *note: no avatars or lolas were harmed in writing this piece

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