Saturday, August 10, 2013

Profile Surfing

   I am an avid profile "whore".  I noticed after all my time in SL, many people have lost the art of good profile writing.  Sometimes, I will just pick a beach on SL and just read what people write to describe themselves.  After all these years, I have complied a list of profile characteristics of crazy people:

1.  You adorn your profile with those fancy swirls,hearts etc.  This makes profiles hard to read and just means you are afraid to have an empty space in your profile so you are not perceived a loser.

2.  You have a pick dedicated to haters or phony people (fake subs/masters etc.)  Why give them the time of day?  I've been on SL for almost 7 years and yet, don't seem the need to have this.  My question is then...Why are you attracting them?

3.  You have threats if any harm is given to one of your family, friends, spouse, children, pet parrot... yeah..I'm shaking in my virtual boots.....

4.  You are in groups like "Why the fuck are you staring" ...again I wish I was that popular to be in groups like that.

5.  People that have quotes, music lyrics, youtube links only in their profile...or also known unique thought that is their own.

6.  People that dedicate a pick to tell people how to improve their appearance.  These people drive me crazy because I wonder if they do that to people in RL.  You are not giving out some special service to people.

7.  People that have misspellings and poor grammar in their profile.  This drives me crazy because my brain goes into "teacher, self correcting" mode.  I understand that some people are not English native language speakers, but if you are going to speak English, why not have someone proof it for you?  Same goes for people that swear throughout their profile.

8.  People with just sex groups in their profile.  Hey, I respect people's kinks and little things they do for entertainment but it makes me wonder if that is the only thing you do.  I have to admit I do have some respect for a guy that puts in his profile " I really don't have much time on SL, I am here for sex mainly".  ( I honestly have seen this.)   He is upfront with you and not playing any head games.  The men (in my case) who put "I enjoy a intelligent conversation, just im me", then has EVERY group dedicated to sex, I worry about.  I should state when I mean "worry" I mean I talk to you and in the end, you label me a bitch because I just wanted to talk to you.  Then you get upset because you are perceived as shallow. *rolls eyes*

9.  People that have a pick of funny quotes from their friends.  In most cases, it is not as funny to the general SL population as it was to you.  Well, Lola, I didn't put it in for you but for my friends.  Well, resident with the quotes, how many times does your friends read your profile?  I rarely read my friends profiles because I know them already.  ( In a side note, Yes, James, I saw you changed your profile this week).

    I am sure I could come up with more after this has been posted but why drag on :) 

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