Thursday, March 27, 2014

I am tired of winter.....

      My closest friends in SL know that I live in a very crappy place during the winter.  I may see snow from October to end of April..(Yes, the end of April.)  This year I am living in the city with the highest snowfall in the USA.  I guess if you are going to deal with the snow, you should be the most.  (As of yesterday, I am at 133 inches or a little over 11 feet )  I guess I could deal with the snow if it wasn't so "fricken" cold.

   So I tend to be crabby more on SL during this period because I am so tired of the weather.   (Also jealous that my SL partner lives in a very sunny and warm Southern California city)

    So my friends in SL that think I am just unbearable to be around right now, I apologize with all my heart.

The only thing I can look forward to is the fact that....

8 more days until the first pitch

(Granted the first month, we will watching from the stands in parkas and mittens)

Just for fun for the baseball fans:  Top ten closer entrance songs

Monday, March 17, 2014

Profile whoring...I feel like I need to shower with a Brillo pad

   When I am bored in SL, I love to sit somewhere crowded and just read profiles.  I like to think its kinda like facebook.  People try to create an illusion or use their profiles to sometimes to set an agenda.  Well I complied a list of things that should be banned because of their overuse:

     1.  The 14 year old girl holding hands with her 3 year old son, the one you just called a slut... She was raped at the age of 11.  The girl you just called fat...shes overdosing on diet pills.  The girl you just called ugly... she spends hours putting makeup on hoping people will like her.  The boy you just tripped... he is abused enough at home.  See that man with the ugly scars... he fought for his country.  That guy you just made fun of for crying... his mother is dying. 
                                         Put this in your picks if you're against bullying.

       Don't get me wrong....I am against bullying for several reasons BUT when you see the same message 50 million times, it kinda loses its impact.

      2.  IM me, I don't bite but may nibble a little

       UGH......I don't even have to explain this but if I do, you have it in your profile.

      3.  The separation of RL and SL...

        I never really understood that one.  What do you talk about in SL.  Now I am not saying, you need   to give out every personal detail of your life to put yourself in some potential harm but not sharing anything about yourself.. *rolls eyes*

      4.  I am a submissive....I am not a doormat, stupid etc.
          I hate, hate (did I mention I hate..) this one.  *Pulls you closer and whispers in your ear*  "If someone is treating you this way, maybe you are allowing them.."

                                                            See you all later


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The unromantic Lola ...

        My last post was actually written during the past month, but I never posted.  I really did not know what direction to go with it.   It made me sound slightly pessimistic,which I guess I am at times.  In fact, I know many people in the SL world with very successful online relationships. Even the unromantic Lola is currently in one.
        I know I can feel the "eyes rolls" as you read that last statement. Yes, even I have caught the SL "love bug".  No, we did not have a big fancy wedding with wedding videos.  (Ok, I found a Las Vegas wedding chapel for fun...We got married by Elvis)  We didn't have an elaborate collar ceremony with me kneeling at his feet as tears fell from my eyes.       
We just became "we".  (This is actually true..we debated on an anniversary date because we just happened)
       Am I an expert in relationships....not even close.  I just know what has worked for us. Quite honestly from a realistic stand point, we should not have worked as long as we did. We both live on separate coasts.  He is married to his rl job and as I remind him, I am merely his "mistress".  In the end, we just make it work.  So sometimes we argue (We don't talk about last year's Superbowl) and sometimes, one of us falls asleep but the most important thing, we try.  We both realize we have a RL and things that take priority, but nothing puts a smile on my face more than a little im from him at work.  I like reminding him that lunch at his desk is not always a healthy option in the long term.  I like to think we just take it one day at a time..1825 + days so far. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Love me for forever...or until you are bored?

    The Second Life experience can be very much a "second life" or even a "first life" for many people that log into SL daily.  One of those aspects is relationships.  What I noticed in SL is that people are either trying to establish one or avoiding one.  I have read several profiles of members that are in relationships on SL.  How can you tell?  Oh.... here are Lola's observations:
  1. Several pictures of them together
  2. Many..many youtube links of  "their songs"
  3. Romantic poetry,either written by SL member or copied from someone.
  4. Group ownership so they can write "cutesy" tags as "Lola's Love Muffin"                                      

     Partnerships in SL can be simple or complex.  It all depends on the way a person perceives SL.  I read once that an average relationship on SL lasts 6 months. It is a long standing joke that within the month of partnering, they will be done.  Weddings in SL can be as expensive as RL ones.  (check out Youtube for SL wedding videos...I am not joking...).  I have been to gay weddings, threesome weddings and of course, the traditional ones,  I have heard some incredible vows and some that made me laugh. Out of all those weddings, none of them survived longer than a month afterwards. 
     So what about me?  I think I am a very down to earth.  I have a few people call me cold hearted and aloof.  I think I am just realistic.  I do not believe that you can fall in love with a person at first sight or even two weeks later.  In my world, that is called LUST.

     1.  intense sexual desire or appetite.          
    2.  uncontrolled or illicit sexual desire or appetite; lecherousness.
    3.  a passionate or overmastering desire or craving.
     If you look at my handy, dandy definition courtesy of, it seems like a temporary condition.  Yet, so many people on SL rush to write poetry and look for their "song" on youtube to post in their profile.  So when this phase runs this course, what happens next?  Does the relationship become an "open relationship"?  (That is code for my partner doesn't come on anymore or has an alt so that she/he doesn't have to talk to me).  Should we just assume in SL a relationship is just something two people do until you are bored?  



Friday, January 31, 2014

I've been a huge slacker

   You know that you are a slacker when you can not remember the password to your own blog.   It is amazing how time just seems to be flying.  So what has Lola been doing on SL?  Oh I hate to say nothing noteworthy lately.   For a world that can be filled with so many unlimited possibilities, it is so limiting.  I notice lately I have not wanted to make new friends. You just get tired of putting out the effort then a person leaving out of SL boredom.